Sunday, March 14, 2010


Ed has POOPED!!!!! He is on a clear liquid diet, and is HUNGRY!!!!! He's baaaaaack! :-) Ed doesn't remember a lot of what happened during the last several weeks, but is definitely here now. He stood and moved to a chair today (with help) for the first time in over a month. Our prayers now are that he gain enough strength in his body to be able to come home when he is discharged, and that he not have to finish convalescing in a nursing home.

They have not yet re-scheduled his intake meeting at Fred Hutch. He has one more chemo there, before the cord blood transplant, and his body needs to be stronger before that can happen. It is possible that he could actually attend The Real Deal Heal Appeal Part Two!

Please join the mass choir rehearsals at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, April 6th at the Matt Talbot Center and at 7:00 pm on Thursday, April 8th at Greater Mt Baker with the band! And if you'd rather listen than sing, the concert will be rockin' in celebration on Saturday, April 10th at Greater Mt Baker.

The Jackson family has survived on your spiritual, emotional, physical and financial support since Ed's diagnosis last July. We have learned much about faith and the power of prayer on this journey with them. We are getting close to the end. Please come out and help support Ed & Cora and their kids one more time.

Ed has moved off the 7th floor (critical care) to the 15th floor! He has pooped again, and is now able to eat what he wants. He still hasn't got much of an appetite though, and his strength is coming back slowly. He is able to stand briefly with assistance, and is practicing sitting up and signing his name. The plan is to move him to the 9th floor (rehab and physical therapy) as soon as he is off all of his IVs. Please continue to pray for strength and mobility - that his body obey his spirit, so that he can finish convalescing at home instead of in a nursing home. Ed's mind is active, and he enjoys visitors. He doesn't remember a lot of the last month, but does remember God telling him to be patient. If you are able, and not sick, please drop by at to see him at Virginia Mason Hospital in Room 1578. Thank you! Barb

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